I am so sorry I’ve been out of commission for so long!  Last time I posted I told you about how our home was officially for sale.  Well, now our home is under contract!  We had inspection yesterday morning (hopefully that went well)!  We sold in less than a week!  Can you believe that?!  We couldn’t!  So inspection has happened, and in a week or two we will have appraisal.  If all goes well, we will be under way for closing on Nov. 26th!  I know that seems a long ways off, but we needed to wait to officially sell the home after our 3 years is up from the 1st time home-buyer’s tax credit we received.  We certainly didn’t want to have to pay that money back!  So yes, great news there!  In other news, my hubs is back on the job search…AGAIN!  He resigned from his current employer and only has a few days left.  He does have a couple of job opportunities lined up, so please be in prayer that God leads him down the right path.  Out of respect for this particular employer, I will not go into all the details of why we decided he needed to resign all the sudden, but it was a necessary choice for our family.  So please, just keep us in your prayers.  Everything is actually moving along fine, but we want it to stay that way.  God is really working in our lives right now, and we feel very blessed!  So now that my husband is job-less and we are home-less come 11/26/12, we are on the search for a new home…or home site, at least.  We hope to go meet with our mortgage broker soon to go ahead and take care of that business so if we do find a home, we can start the process of purchasing again.  We actually went and looked at home last night that just sort of fell into our laps, and we really liked it.  I was surprised, because we left the idea of buying another home an option, but we really weren’t looking for a home.  The home is not even officially for sale yet, and the owner is doing some updating.  It reminds us a lot of our current home and neighborhood, and it’s cheaper, which means we can really get to work on that debt!  It also is a smaller lot, so it would be less upkeep for my busy husband.  We don’t know if that home is what God has in store for us, but we are excited for what he is going to do in our lives.

So, we do have a lot going on, but we chugging right along with homeschool!  This week was Letter E Week!  We learned all about big E and little e, practiced writing them, learned some new sight words that being with E, learned what explanatory means, what our emotions are, the importance of following rules, the 4 seasons, addition, practiced some thinking skills, and talked about creation.  Our character quality of the week is encouraging.  And I promise I will post the Letters D and E crafts soon!  I’m slacking, I know!

I am also happy to report that I am no longer sick or stuffed up.  However, my daughter woke up all stuffy and coughing this morning.  Bummer!!  So she has been taking it easy today, resting and taking meds.  She needs to be in good condition tomorrow because we will be attending my niece’s 6th birthday party and she is suppose to be spending the night with her Mimi and Pawpaw.  And I know she would be devastated to have to miss any of that.  Well, I hate to run and cut the posting off here, but we have to get ready for a football game tonight.  Let’s hope our guys can win tonight…

Have a fabulous Friday!

First MOPS Meeting

I am happy to report that today was our first MOPS meeting this year, and it was fabulous!  We had such a great time!  We had lots of new ladies, and lots of returning ladies.  We even had 10 childcare workers there!!  That is a huge accomplishment for us!  We learned a lot about friendships today, which is more than appropriate because my MOPS ladies are some of the best friends I could ever ask for.  We gave away lots of great door prizes!  …one went to me…yay!!  :0)   And our craft today (which is always a HUGE hit) was glass etching!  Everyone loved it!  I was just excited to actually be pulling my crafting stuff out of the closet for once in a very long time!  Hopefully today inspires me to do some more scrapping soon!

Also worth mentioning today…our house is officially on the MLS listing and For Sale!  Our sweet realtor came out today to take the photos to post on the listing, put the lock box on the door, and the sign in the yard.  I am super excited about the whole thing, but I am equally as nervous!  I’m just keeping the faith that our home will sell when God sees it fit and all will work out according to HIS will.

I’ll try to post about (short) school week soon!

God Bless!

What weekend?

I’m sad to tell you that the weekend is gone!  Frankly, I’m not sure the Kees family actually receive a weekend last week?!  LOL!  I don’t know about you, but for me it passed by way too fast!  Here’s what we did:

1. On Friday my husband had a game in Eunice (I think)…lol.  Based on what he told me about the place we didn’t go.  Which apparently was a good thing because they did terrible!  I spent all of Friday evening and night (until about 1am) cleaning the house.  (You’re thinking I’m nuts…I know…but you’ll understand why I did it in a bit.)

2.  Saturday morning Riley Grace had her first Rapides Junior Runners race at LAC!  She ran in the 4-5 year old age group, running 1/2 a mile.  Her daddy ran with her.  She did so good!  She cam in 22nd out of 27 girls!  Not bad for a 5 year old who has only run a 1/2 mile maybe 5 times in the past 2 years!  Her daddy made a point to let her know that there were more boys running than girls, and she beat a lot of those boys.  LOL!  Gotta love dads!  After the race she went and spent the day with her Mimi and Pawpaw while the hubs and I cleaned up the yard.  (Yup…MORE cleaning!!)

3.  By Sunday morning I was sore, exhausted, and very sick!  My husband got up early and finished his mowing.  Riley Grace and I stayed in bed!  We hated to miss church, but there was no way I was going to risk contaminating other people after all the sickness already going around.  And poor R.G. was sore from the race and all the playing the previous day, and wasn’t feeling too hot herself.  After lunch I did some last minute cleaning because we had a showing at 4pm of our house.  That is why so much cleaning occurred over the weekend!  See, I’m not totally crazy!  While the showing was happening, we went to look at some land nearby (found a good contender, too).  Once we got back home my husband went down to his grandmother’s house and finished up some yard work for her.

Whew!!  So now you can see why my weekend went by so quickly!  I’m not sure this week will be much better for us.  Today we had Mother’s Day Out, tomorrow is MOPS and library day, Wednesday is Mother’s Day Out and church (and the hubs has a softball game), Thursday I have an appointment, and Friday afternoon we have football.  I’m a little tired just thinking about it all!  Hopefully this crud I have will make a quick exist so I can actually enjoy all of the events this week.    Today is a special day because my cousin’s little girl turned 2 years old!  Can you believe it!  Tomorrow is my niece’s 6th birthday…which really makes me feel old!  And Friday is my sweet mama’s birthday!  Lots of celebration this week in our family!!

Oh…by the way…the high here this Wednesday is 79 degrees!!  I am so pumped about some real fall weather!  It will slowly warm up through the week, but so far nothing is set over a high of 89!  I’ll take it people!  I may live in Louisiana, but I do not enjoy the hot weather!  Fall weather always inspires me!  I just LOVE it!  What do you and your family like to do during the fall?

Have a magnificent Monday!

Cloud Experiement

This week has been letter C week here!  We learned all about the letter C, how to classify, how to compare and contrast, and all about clouds…among many other things.  Those were just the new and big lessons we had this week.  Since we studied clouds all week, we did a cloud experiment.  Here is how it went:

1. Gather Materials:  Ivory Soap and Plastic Wrap (or wax paper)

The soap!










2. Unwrap the soap!










3. Place the plastic in the microwave, and the soap onto the plastic.








4. Microwave for about 2 minutes!








5. Watch the magic happen!

From soap bar to fluffy cloud!


















6. Investigate it!  Check it out!









7. Crush it up in a bowl.











8. Mix with warm water and mold to create soap…again!  LOL!









9. Once you have it molded into cookie cutters, while it is still wet, gently push it out.  Leave in a cool, dry place for a few days to dry and set.  And viola!  You now have cute soap bars again!  (You could also add food coloring to the mixture to create colored soaps.)



A Few Good Articles

I posted a few articles I read and really enjoyed on my facebook page, and wanted to share them with you!

The first one is about how precious your homeschooling time can be.  I just love this post shared by The Happy Housewife!  Also, if you go to her site you will see a posting shared there with free printables to teach the four seasons.  This was another little something I wanted to share with you guys!

Another good one comes from TLC.  It is all about homeschooling mistakesTLC Parentables is one of my favorite sites to visit!

Okay, lastly I want to share with you this article on reviving your attitude in your marriage.


Sorry so brief!  I’m in the middle of school time right now, but I just had to share those!

Have a blessed day!

Our Little Bear

I just had to share these photos with you!  This is our newest Dachshund, Bear.  Our Ginger is his mama.  He is so sweet and easy going.  Yesterday my husband was getting the fall stuff down from the attic for me and I came across the costume our lab wore for Halloween right after we got him.  I couldn’t resist trying it on Bear!

Isn’t he cute!?!







He was slightly miserable, and not very happy that he looked like an over-sized bumble bee!  But we thought he was too cute!  The costume was a little snug on him, too.  Needless to say we will be purchasing a new costume for Bear this Halloween.  I might even let him pick it out.  ;0)


Howdy neighbors!  I think it is time for an update!  Sorry I’ve been away so long!  This last week was incredibly insane!  In fact, it was so crazy that we took the whole week off from school.  Yup, the whole week!  That would be why you haven’t seen a posting of our letter C craft yet.

On Monday, the hubs was home since it was a holiday and school was out.  So, we had planned to take the day off with him.  On Tuesday we had to run a ton of errands, so we didn’t get to our school work at all.  On Wednesday we had Mother’s Day Out, so I worked and then we had church that evening.  We usually take Wednesdays as our days off anyhow because of MDO and church.  We found out Wednesday night that our neighbor’s dog had gone missing sometime after R.G. and I had left.  So then, on Thursday, we spent all day trying to locate our neighbor’s sweet Dachshund, Oscar.  To make a quite long story short, he was not found and is still missing.  We were so devastated that we just threw in the towel and took Friday off to relax.  However, it is back the grind this week!

Yesterday I took R.G. to sign up for Rapides Junior Runners.  As a five year old she will only run the 1/2 mile, but she is very excited.  And lets face it, a 1/2 mile is a long way to run on some days for adults, much less a five year old little girl.  So we got registered and she got her bib, a t-shirt, and a bag.  She is #161!  We also had a few errands to run yesterday, so our day was pretty busy, which was good since our daddy had football practice and two softball games.

The biggest news happened today!  We have officially signed all our papers to put our house up for sale!  I know, we’re crazy!  We LOVE our home!  However, we do not like the idea of paying a mortgage every month for the next 27 years.  So, as of right now the plan is to purchase land, put a metal home on it, get all our current debt paid off and save the cash to pay at least 50% of the cost to build.  We want to live debt free, and really start making our money count.  And I don’t mean count for us, but rather for the kingdom of God.  Selling our home is a HUGE step for us.  We are literally no more than 3 miles from most of our family members, and have only been in our home 3 years.  We just LOVE it!  But…we LOVE God a whole lot more!  We don’t know what God has planned for us just yet, but we are taking this entire process one day at a time, and striving each day to follow his path for our lives.

Thanks for reading and we hope you had a great weekend!

God Bless!