Our Homeschool Week 2/25 – 3/1

I figured it was about time I get back to sharing our homeschool adventures, lesson, and projects with you.  So…here is sort of what our lesson plans look like this week:

Monday: ELA – little book, discuss parts of a book & play simon says book parts, review nouns, singular/plural, rhyming words; Math – addition, subtraction, shape review, first & second; Science – What are physical features?; History – define scarcity

Tuesday: ELA – little book, review parts of a book & make/construct your own w/ all parts, singular/plural; Math – # writing practice, counting by 5’s & 10’s; Science – list physical features; History – copy definition of scarcity and use it in a sentence

Wednesday: ELA – little book, identify parts of a book, singular/plural, punctuation; Math – counting by 5’s; Bonus Work – sound patterns       (*Wednesdays are our short days or off days!*)

Thursday: ELA – little book, rhyming words, syllables, punctuation; Math – Time; Science – draw yourself based on physical features listed on Tuesday; Health – Recycling

Friday: ELA – little book, opposites, punctuation, review singular/plural; Math – opposites, time; Science – Use any craft supplies to create yourself based on your list of physical features; History – review scarcity


On Tuesday we will be starting a new character study: arguing.  I’m excited to start on this study with my daughter because she has reached the age of ‘I know it all’.  She hasn’t gotten to the teenager level, but I’m sure you know what I mean.  I really want to instill in her early that arguing is not okay and there is right way to talk to people and get your ideas across.  I also want her to understand that we don’t always know it all and we don’t always have to be right.  Our key verse this week is 2 Timothy 3:15-17

We also have a library day scheduled for Friday.  We love to visit the library!  Later in the week I will be preparing for Dr. Seuss week.  I should have lots of fun stuff to share from that week!


Happy Monday!


Super Stinky Imperfection

Unfortunately I experience many days where my duties as mom, wife, cook, maid, daughter, and friend are mere lackluster performances.  I want so badly to be totally awesome and rock my duties every single day, but that just isn’t reality.  And lets face it…some days just really stink for us ladies.  Some days we totally rock….and some days we don’t.  It’s the really stinky days that get me down the most.  I’m sure all moms can relate to that.  Let’s face it, the devil thrives on stinky days in the lives of moms.  He knows that so many of us judge ourselves too harshly, and feel that we need to be perfect moms, teachers, wives, chefs, friends, etc.  So he loves to sneak up on us during our stinky days and assist us in tearing ourselves down.  I say assist because if we’re being honest we can admit that so many of those negative thoughts about ourselves, start with ourselves.  The devil likes to light a fire under those thoughts.  He doesn’t want us to feel worthy of our children, or our husbands, or our titles, or all that we’ve been blessed with.  He just doesn’t want us to be happy.  He can easily cause that stinky day to spill over into the next week if we aren’t careful.  No one is perfect!  No wife is perfect!  No mom is perfect!  And guess what…that is okay!  Ladies, we don’t have to be perfect.  If your kids didn’t get breakfast this morning and you sent them to school with a pb&j rather than the healthy meal you intended to prepare….it is okay.  If you ordered pizza for dinner because you were too tired to cook supper for the family tonight…it is okay.  If your laundry is piled ten stories high and you’ve been washing the same load for the past three days because you keep forgetting its in the washing machine…it is okay!  It is okay to be imperfect!  God did not create us to be perfect or to always do things best.  If he had, we wouldn’t need Jesus.  Love you!  Love your imperfect self and have fun doing it.  I know sometimes that is really hard to do, but we have to grow to a place where we know that it is okay and we are loved no matter what.

So, for those super stinky days we tend to have, The Far From Perfect Mommy Blogger has some great motivation!

God Bless!  & remember…YOU ROCK!!!

An Update on Life

I figured it was time to give y’all a few updates.

1.  Homeschooling is going well still.  As of now we have completed most of our Kindergarten material so we are focusing on reading, learning to tell time, and counting money.  We are ready for spring to get here to do some outside experiments and nature walks, and to just sit outside and do school work.

2.  Basketball season is almost over for coach!  Yay!!  They are doing awesome, but we are ready to move on to softball.  Speaking of, softball starts this weekend!  I’m excited to get out of the house a little more and be able to be involved a bit more.  Okay, really a lot more since that’s like my second job…I run the concessions for the team and whatever else I can help with.  Softball season means we get to see our coach a lot more, too.  That definitely makes Sassy happy!  Poor baby was crying tonight because she missed him so much.  Breaks my heart!

3.  I did take Clomid last month, but apparently it didn’t work.  I didn’t expect it to because it was a low dose and my stubborn self needs more than that.  I am switching to a new doctor here in the next month to really get the ball rolling for us to be able to have another baby.  Hopefully things will prove successful then.  We are staying hopeful and holding onto faith that God will bless us in due time.

4.  I got back to my 90 Day Challenge today.  It felt great!  My legs are still a bit jello-y, but that’s when you know your working.  My total weight loss now is about 31lbs.  That’s been at a stand still for a couple of weeks while I was away from my workouts and good eating, but I’m back at it now so hopefully I can kick start it again.

5.  If you haven’t already noticed, there is a new page on the blog where I will be sharing family recipes.  I get a lot of questions about how I manage to feed my family on such a small budget each month, and what recipes I use, etc.  So, I figured it was time to start sharing them.  All of my recipes are husband and kid approved and cost very little.  Many are also well balanced or I offer a healthier version for you.  My family isn’t into veggies much, so I have to sneak things in quite often, or mask flavors so I’ll be sharing those little tips with you as well.

Thank you all for reading!  I hope you are having a fabulous week!  Talk to you soon!

God Bless!