Nine Months

It has been a long nine months since my last post.  Do you know how long that is?!  You could have had a baby without me ever knowing!  A lot can happen in nine months.  I am terribly sorry!  I guess that goes to show just how busy our family has been.  Let me catch you up…

  • The baby is now a 14 month old TODDLER!!!  Where did the time go?  We celebrated her big day with a Minnie Mouse party…she adores that bow wearing mouse.
  • I survived the school year…data and all!  Don’t tell anyone, but amidst all the crazy I love it!
  • Sassy showed 2nd grade who is boss…as if we ever questioned that!  Seriously, she blew it out of the water!
  • Our softball team set some school records.  We had a very successful season, and are very proud of our “adopted daughters”.
  • Over Thanksgiving break we went to Disney World.  Best vacation ever!
  • Our end of school/summer vacation was to Branson.  Not so fun….a virus began taking us out one by one the night we arrived.  It was certainly memorable, but not the way we imagined.

These are the main points of the year, and brings us to present day.  I am currently at a four day AP training.  While the training isn’t the most fun in the world, I am here with my ‘teaching BFF’ as I call her.  In all honesty, she has become a real BFF…she is me and I am her; it is freaky, but I love her.  I could not have survived the school year without her.  I’ve enjoyed her company immensely this week.  It is the first time I’ve left my baby for more than the day for work, and I couldn’t have done it without her.  I learned so many things from teaching this past year that I want to share, but that will have to wait for another day as sleep is calling my name.

I wish this post was more interesting, but I guess it comes with the territory when you go without posting so long.  My goal is to be much more active on here from this point on.  I missed out on sharing so much with you during the school year.  I hope I can recall some of those things over the next month to share with you.

The Changing of Seasons

Just as the seasons change, life so changes.

Fall is in the air, and our family is adjusting to a season of change. Not only did we add another Kees to the roster, but mama is working full-time now. I certainly was not looking for this change, but for some reason God brought it to us. Mind you, on top of Sassy going to public school. Can you say…crazy!!! That is how I feel most days. It’s up at 5:00 am, home around 3:45, 2nd grade homework, coaching responsibilities, baby, teacher homework, housework, next day prep, and hopefully bed by 10:00 pm. On a good day, which seems all too rare, we get a decent home cooked dinner in. Coach is typically away from home five evenings a week, which makes this mama weary. Most days I am asking, “Why, Lord?” What was so wrong with my staying home and caring for my children? What was wrong with having a clean home daily, and dinner on the table when my husband arrived home? I haven’t figured any of that out yet. I’m working each day to survive and adjust. It isn’t easy, but it is getting easier.

As I sit here in the dark, with only the television on, playing one of my favorite Christmas movies, and soak in the sweet ambiance of pumpkin candles brightly glowing, I can only smile. The week has been less than ideal, that is for certain. However, this week did end on a sweet note. I came home and spent my evening without a million chores, or homework, or lunches to make. I spent my evening with my girls; caring for them, talking with them, and playing with them. We all needed it. My sweet baby even let me rock her to sleep without a fight. This has not happened in a very long time. It was as if she knew what her mama’s heart needed. Sometimes, amidst all the craziness of the changing of seasons, we forget to be thankful that the seasons do change, and that we are here to experience them.

Overdue Update

I am so sorry it has taken so very long for me to post an update. I hadn’t realized how long it’s been. Time flies!

1. Rosalie (Rosie) Joy was born April 10, 2014 via c-section. She was 8lb 1oz and 21 3/4 in long. My beautiful baby is now 12 weeks old. I had been praying for a vbac, but she was breech. After trying all the flipping positions, chiropractic adjustment, and an external cephalic version, Dr. M decided for whatever reason she was not turning and at 7 days away from my due date, I was all baby and she was out of room. So 2 days later we went in for a section. It was pretty rough because Rosie was breech, twisted, and hung up in my abdominal muscles. My doctor had to extend my previous scar and cut some of my muscle in order to get her out. Aside from that struggle it was an amazing, family centered birth experience. I was able to hold her immediately and have her with me in recovery and nurse. I am so thankful for my doctor and the amazing nurses I had who fought for me to have the experience I did. Rosie now sits up with help, jabbers all the time, gives the sweetest smiles, eats cereal and 1st foods. We adore her!

2. Sassy is an amazing big sister! She is so proud of Baby Rosie.

3. Homeschool continued on after Rosie came. It was a change, but we made it through. We are still doing some work during the summer. And there may be a big announcement coming soon about this. Stay tuned!

4. We love our new home!! The space we have here is awesome. It is so nice to be able to have the whole family over with plenty of space.

5. A few months ago we lost our sweet Dachshund, Ginger. We miss her every single day. Bolt missed her a lot the first couple days, but is doing much better. It was very sad for us, and very sudden and unexpected. That sweet girl had been through a lot in her life.

6. Since having Rosie I have had no more pcos issues/symptoms. I hope that this will continue. I have been working to maintain a healthy and active lifestyle, which is a huge help for those with pcos. I gained about 12-15 pounds with this last pregnancy, and lost about 25 pounds in the first 6 weeks postpartum. I was thrilled with that!

And so it begins….

Yesterday was my doctor’s appointment where I expected get my lab results from my 3 and 21 day tests, and put together a ‘get another Kees baby’ plan.  When I arrived the lady told me she was not back from surgery but I could see the nurse practitioner.  I explained my situation and we agreed I could see her and she could relay the info for me.  Great!  I was bummed for sure, but it was better than nothing.  Once I was taken back for vitals, the ladies recognized me and asked if I just wanted to wait for her to make it back.  I was up for it.  (That’s how much I’m in the office btw..LOL!)  The nurse took me back for vitals and explained that the surgery was very lengthy and started very late, I could wait or reschedule because the Dr. definitely wanted to talk to me.  We decided to reschedule.

So, this morning I headed back to the doctor’s office; which was packed.  After about a 40 minute wait, the nurse took me back for vitals and told me she didn’t want me to get discouraged, the Dr. was in L&D, but should be back soon because they had been pushing for about an hour.  No problem!  About three minutes later the Dr. called and told her they had just finished and she was on her way back up.  Yay!  It was about ten minutes later that she made it to my room.  She asked how everything was going, I told her my cycles were regular (for someone with PCOS), I had dropped 37lbs, and many of the symptoms were gone or going away.  I did tell her I had recently had ultrasounds that showed both ovaries were full of cysts, as expected.  I explained to her the OPK’s were giving me false positives (normal for women with PCOS), and that I had 1 good month of a normal basal temp. chart, but everything else was completely erratic (also normal for PCOS).  She said stop wasting the money on OPK’s and don’t stress over basal temp. charting.  I asked her health/diet wise what I should be doing because I’ve read a million things as to what to take/eat/etc.  I’ve heard do a low GI diet, I’ve heard no dairy and no gluten.  You name it…I’ve heard it.  She said do the low GI diet (b/c I had explained I had hit that inevitable wall), and to do nothing else….the diet and normal exercise, and continue my metformin.  Easy!  I can do that!  She then told me she was going to start me on clomid next month.  It would be a low dose, and probably would not work, but you never know.  Once I do the 21 day and we do not see ovulation, she will up the mg for the next month.  We will attempt this method for 3-4 months.  If this doesn’t work, we will be off to see Dr. Storment.  I def. left satisfied and happy to have a plan.  What a blessing!

So please be in prayer for our family over the next few months, as well as for me and my body.  I am praying for more success on the weight loss front, and a continuation of regular cycles so that I am able to take the medications correctly.  I am also praying for this journey financially because just the meds and 21 day test each month will cost us about $175 or more.  Should we need IUI, we are talking much more.  Def. not an extra cost anyone ever expects, but we know that God is faithful to always see us through.  And of course we are praying for a baby!  


Thank you to all of those who keep up with our family and your continued prayer and support.  We could not do this without the love and support of all of our friends and family.  God Bless!

Back to Normal??

Can you believe that today has been a pretty normal day?!  I am really trying to get back in the groove and get back to a schedule of sorts.  We’ve spent months with life turned upside down with hectic schedules!  Today, we were all up and going on time and got right to work on chores.  I fixed Coach’s lunch, and he headed off to go work on his field and get everything set up for the big tournament Saturday.  He is doing such a great job as the head coach.  I’m really proud of him.  He is working extra hard to make this tournament a great experience for everyone. 
So far today we have washed furniture coverings, put them back on, done a load of towels and two loads of clothes, got all of Sassy’s laundry done and put away, daily chores are done, vacuumed, cleaned the vacuum, fixed lunch, did dishes, made beds, washed the table cloth, and who knows what else I will get accomplished today.  It is so nice to be back to normal!  Even if this only lasts a day…it is sooo nice.  Of course once August rolls around we will for sure be back on schedule, and this OCD mamma can’t wait!!  I love my ‘normal’ life and my schedules.  Maybe today is a sign of great things to come!?
♥ The Kees Family 

Happy Anniversary!

Happy Anniversary to my #1!  I love my husband to the moon and back, and am so blessed to be able to say that today marks 6 years of marriage for us.  Marriage can be such a blessing!  I know that God made my husband just for me.  I could not have asked for better.
Marriage is not always easy.  Sometimes it is hard.  But we have to remember that it’s the hard times that strengthen the relationship.  Coach and I have been through some tough times, and will continue to go through tough and stressful things, but we will do it together, with God.  Between his coaching and being away, and our infertility issues…we’ve got stressers people!  We are not perfect!  Some days I just want to cry because I get so tired of the stressers in our lives.  But I am so blessed to have a Heavenly Father who helps my husband and I navigate the hard days.  I am likewise blessed to have a husband who walks through the hard things along side me, and when I need, one who walks ahead of me.
I pray that my daughter will one day have a husband who can do the same for her.  I pray that they will have a marriage that honors God.  A good marriage is a true blessing to a family, as a whole, as well as the individuals.  In our society today, we don’t value the sanctity and unity of a marriage like we should.  But regardless of what society hold true to, I want my family to stand as an example.

On the Horizon

Well, I’m a terrible mom as I did not get any photos during VBS week, nor did I get any of swimming lessons.  Honestly, I did good to get the vacation photos.  LOL!  Whoops!  At least I got those to share with you.

On the horizon:

In my last post I mentioned that I was able to do my 3 day labs and would go back for 21 day labs.  I am happy to report that 21 day labs are done!  Yay!  Hopefully this will be the end of the lab work for a while.  I’ll go to visit with my Dr. in a few weeks, and I guess we will go from there.  I’m just happy to have finally been able to get these labs done!  I was visiting the Dr.’s office so much that I was about to start asking for them to pay me.

Coach has somewhat of a lead on a temporary, part-time job, which is exactly what he is looking for, so please be in prayer that he gets this.  The hours are more than perfect for him!  Of course the job is not a necessity, but it would be nice, and would really help us reach our goals.

July will be a little slower for us in terms of sports, but it will be a big month for myself in terms of MOPS planning.  July is retreat month for the steering team so we are working on getting all of that together.  I am very excited for this year with MOPS and MOPSNext!  I watched our group and leaders DVDs today, and God is already working on my heart.  How incredible is that?!  MOPS did a great job with the theme this year!  I know it deals with some issues that I, personally, need to hear about.  Isn’t amazing the way God works for us!  He always knows what we need!  Most days, my house is a mess…many days, my family is a mess….and every day (at some point) I am a mess.  But God has taught me that the mess is beautiful.  I am so ready to learn what God has to say about me and my beautiful mess this year!  If you’re interested in learning more about mops, or finding a group that meets near you, contact me or visit the MOPS website.

Let me just say…I am so excited for the 4th of July!  I’m proud to be an American and truly love to celebrate our great nation.  I made some decorations for the house in celebration of the holiday, so I’ll post some photos of those soon.  I really enjoyed making them.  I actually got to pull out my cricut and use it for the first time in months!  You have no idea how happy that makes me!

Happy Tuesday!

June Update

Can you believe we leave for the beach in 3 days!!  I am so excited!  This has been the longest week of the year for us!  No, seriously.  Today was the first day I have been home, other than to sleep.  It has been crazy!  I am so ready for a much needed, relaxing vacation!  Sassy has been loving VBS and swimming lessons this week.  Tomorrow is the last day for both.  She’s a little bummed about that, but excited to be able to show off for us at both.  Sassy still does not know anything about the vacation.  We will tell her on Sunday morning when we leave.  However, that little turkey is so smart…I’m pretty sure she knows.  I’ve felt like she knows for a couple of weeks now.  I guess we will see!
I’m super happy to report that I was able to go do my day 3 labs this week!  Finally!  I’ll go back in a couple of weeks for my 21 day labs.  I’m excited that I will actually have some results this time around.  Although it’s going to cost us over $400.00, it will be nice to see what’s going on with my hormones.  I’m due for annual visit in July, so the timing is perfect to be able to really sit down and talk to the Dr. about my results and plans for the future.
On Tuesday the other MOPS coordinator and myself met to discuss plans for steering team retreat, convention, and the new year.  We are very excited!!  We’re hoping to do some growing this next year, so look out moms…you might just get recruited.  LOL!  Please be in prayer for us, as we are excited to be the new coordinators, but we are also a tad nervous.  Leading a group of women is a wonderful opportunity that we do not want to take for granted, and certainly don’t want to fail at.  Please pray that God will lead us in every decision we make for our group, and that our hearts will be obedient to him.
Coach is looking for a part-time summer job, so if you know of anything in the Central La area, let me know!  As I am writing, he is loading the basketball team on the bus to head back from their games.  (They won both!)  Right now he is running between softball and basketball in the evenings a few days a week, but other than that, he is free and willing to work.  Same here really….I currently work two days a week, but would like another part-time job just for the summer.  We hope to be able to use our summer wisely in building our savings and paying off those debts.  I do NOT want to spend twenty years paying on student loans!!
Housing Update:  We were hoping to purchase something this summer and get moved, but we are just too busy right now to even think about it.  So, it doesn’t look like that is going to happen.  That’s okay, though!  Everything in God’s perfect timing.  We didn’t want to have to rent for a year, but we aren’t too far from November at this point, and frankly, we’re just thankful that we aren’t paying a big mortgage on a home we never get to enjoy anymore.  Because when I say we are never home….we are NEVER home!  My prayer is that that would change soon, and as it does, God would provide us the perfect home for our family and lifestyle.
Hopefully I will remember my camera tomorrow so I can post some photos of Sassy from VBS and swimming lessons!
Hope you’re having a great week!  God Bless!!
P.S. – We have some friends who will be traveling to Guatemala at the end of the month to do some missions work in the form of good ole fashion hard work, so please be in prayer for them and their trip.  I also have two friends who will be delivering babies within the next week.  Please be in prayer for these moms and their families.  I am selfishly praying that a certain little girl makes her appearance before we leave for vacation!  LOL!!

The Infamous Fork in the Road

Do you ever wish God would just write the answer down to the ‘big’ question you’ve been asking him, wrap it up all pretty and have it delivered to your doorstep?  That’s pretty much where I am right now.  I feel as if I am literally standing at the infamous fork in the road; I can go left, or I can go right, but I can’t go back.  Do you know how frustrating that is!?

I’m blessed enough to have a family member who does ultrasounds for a living.  So, for the past couple of weeks I’ve had ultrasounds to see what my ovaries are up to.  Can I just tell you….they are up to NO GOOD!  Both have a bunch of tiny cysts, and there is no sign of a dominant follicle.  For a couple of weeks now, things in the reproductive area have been dormant.  Literally!  There has been no change at all, and I am a week late.  That might be TMI, but that’s where the truth lies.  I realize for those of us with PCOS, irregularity is ‘normal’, but you have to understand for me…being late is so not normal, especially since I’ve been so regular for the past 8 to 10 months.  So I don’t know what is going on!  I’m just keeping on keeping on.  Still doing my normal exercising, eating right, taking my meds., etc.  Over the past couple of weeks, Coach and I have talked a lot (between the two of us and with family), about what we are open to fertility treatment wise and what insurance will cover (which is basically nothing).  Coach is really feeling led to give a few “simplier” fertility options a shot.  (I say simplier VERY lightly!  If you know much about fertility treatments, you know there really isn’t such a thing as a simple fertility treatment option.)  However, we are torn by the reminder that it is costly and not guaranteed to work.  On the other hand, I realized that although I’ve always had PCOS, I never had any of the symptoms/problems until after I had gotten pregnant with Sassy and gained all the weight I’ve been packing around (which greatly effects PCOS).  So I feel like if I can just keep battling through the weight loss, maybe I can get the symptoms to subside enough to get pregnant again.  Having PCOS makes weight loss extrememly difficult, but not impossible.  So, the road to my left leads to a path of fertility treatments.

What’s the other road?  Well, adoption of course.  We know we want to adopt at some point, and feel led to pursue adoption once we get settled into our next home.  So my prayer has been for God to reveal to us whether he desires us to go left, and pursue more fertility options, or to go right and just wait for the right time to pursue an adoption.  Truth be told….I’m wanting both.  However, I realize that pursuing both over the course of the next year may not be God’s will.  And we want to follow God’s will.  We’ve learned that our will never works out, but God’s way is always right.  So please feel free to pray along side us as we seek God’s will in growing our family.

Thanks for all of your prayers, good thoughts, and support!  We appreciate you!

On a happier note…..we leave for the beach in only 9 days!!!!   (Maybe a good vacation will help clear our minds and open our hearts to be able to recieve God’s answer.)